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Make Checks payable to Steve Feazel - 17930 Glen Road - Gambier, OH 43022
Steve has authored relevant for elections
Voting Christian Values:Redeeming Our Moral heritage. Foreword by Mike Huckabee
Click on Cover to order on Amazon
Steve has authored a book with Mike Huckabee,
The Three C's that Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution. Foreword by Sean Hannity
Click on Cover to order on Amazon
Steve coauthored a book with Dr. Carol Swain. Abduction: How Liberalism Steals our Children's Hearts and Minds Click on cover to order on Amazon
American Bedrock: Ten Values on which Our Nation was Founded is a short read booklet of 52 pages that acquaints or reminds a person of the values the Founders felt were essential when they established the United States of America. The booklet is ideal not only for individuals, but also for organizations and candidates who desire an information tool to help advance their message of Liberty and conservative values.
Click on the cover to be taken to the American Bedrock special page.
Historical Evidence for a Christian America is a very short booklet that contains mainly quotes from the Founding Fathers and other American leaders regarding the vital role Christianity has play in out nation's history
Click on the cover to be taken to the American Bedrock special page.
The Word of God and Social Justice is a short booklet that reveals how the Christian faith is being attacked by policies on the Left that are adverse to the Word of God. It is a strong push back against the separation of church and state concept and debunks the "systemic racism" claim.
Click on the cover to be taken to the American Bedrock special page.
CPR for the Believer is a short book on Christian living. It focuses on being CONSISTENT in your relationship to Christ, being PERSISTENT in doing what he has called you to do and to be RESISTANT to the temptation to quit when things get tough. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter make it an ideal book for small groups to study.
Click on the cover to order on Amazon
BASIC 7 is a brief discipleship course composed of seven easily understood lessons with many scripture verses inserted.
Click on the icon "7" at the left to be taken to the BASIC 7 page for more details.
Digital Product
One Nation Under God is a PowerPoint presentation featuring the moral principles on which the nation was founded and the challenge that exist to keep them relevant. A thorough review of the Christian heritage of America from colonial days until the presence. Historical events, words from the founders with colorful illustrations and graphics are featured in this enlightening presentation. 98 slides
Cost: $10 for individual $25 for license for unlimited groups showings
Pay by CASH APP or check - item will be sent to your email address for your downloading. ORDER - via my email address - stevefeazel@gmail.com
Digital Product
This PowerPoint presentation gives a through review of the abortion issue from the pro-life perceptive. The spiritual factor, political factor, Planned Parenthood agenda and other relevant topics are examined.
Cost: $10 Individual $30 for license for unlimited group showings
Pay by CASH APP or check - item will be sent to your email address for your downloading. ORDER - via my email address - stevefeazel@gmail.com
Faith and the Life is a thorough five unit discipleship course totally on PowerPoint. It looks at the topics of Salvation, The Christian Life, The Spirit-Filled Life, The Christian Family, and The Church.
Click on the icon at the left to be taken to the Faith and the Life Page for details and ordering instructions.
This book is the overview of New Life Fitness ministry. Visit newlifefitness.org for more information. The book ties the Holy Trinity with the human trinity of Body, Mind and Spirit.
Click on the icon at the left to be taken to the Amazon order page.