Speaking & Seminars
Steve can serve as a speaker at your event. He is a humorous speaker for churches, corporations, universities and hospitals. Besides presenting a light side, he can also communicate on serious topics that are found in his work as an author and video producing. Some of these topics include:
The Cultural War - how today's children are having their worldview shaped by liberal policies and indecent cultural trends.
Pro-Life topics - Steve's work on the film, A Voice for Life, and his service as a board member of a pregnancy center has allowed him to become well versed on this issue.
Christian Heritage of America - Steve's personal research for his books has given him an extensive knowledge of the Founding Fathers and their desire for this nation to be founded on sound biblical principles.
Victorious Christian Living - This message gleans from Steve's book CPR for the Believer.
Steve has been a member of the National Speakers Association.
Steve has conducted seminars on humor, board planning for pregnancy centers and on the issue of pornography which is entitled "Pure Power."
Steve presents a seminar that helps churches easily develop and update websites, and effectively use social media for communication and outreach. He reveals how email, videos and computer generated documents can improve church communications the worship service encounters. Click on the computer icon to the left to go to the page dedicated to this seminar.
Steve can speak in connection with any one of his films and lead a discussion on it. This is ideal for retreats.